Over 4000m2 of Firth’s Holland FlowPave used at Auranga
South Auckland’s Auranga multi-use housing development lies on the inner reaches of Manukau Harbour's inlet, just west of Drury Village and is within easy reach of Auckland’s airports and the CBD. The various stages of the development cover an estimated 170Ha of land in the foothills of the Bombay’s, and will eventually provide upwards of 3000 lots, zoned for standalone homes, duplexes, terraces and apartments - over a number of stages.

Included in the planning of this extensive residential development and in line with Auckland Council’s emphasis on a water sensitive design, a comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) was developed for the various stages to address the challenges of stormwater runoff and its impact on water quality. SMP outlines strategies to manage stormwater through the use of rainwater tanks, rain gardens and the use of permeable paving to help protect the environment and water purity - in this case more than 4000m² of Firth’s Holland FlowPave from Firth’s EcoPave range of pavers.

“When completing the design, along with other parts to the plan, we specified Firth’s Holland FlowPave because it was a requirement of the SMP that we chose a permeable paving system to manage stormwater run-off and to provide water quality treatment by removing contaminants for the Auranga development,” says Mark Melville – Design Engineer for Mckenzie and Co.
“By using the Holland FlowPave paving system, the stormwater filters through the pavers and through the different mediums which collect various contaminants, filtering out to clean water going into the ground water systems. And you have a great finished hard surface that looks amazing.”

EcoPave Permeable Paving Benefits
- Reduces rainfall runoff from hard surfaces, decreasing the demand on drainage systems
- Reduces the need for retention structures (e.g. ground sumps, ponds or dams) and maximises land use by retaining water within the Permeable Paving System
- Recharges natural groundwater and aquifers
- Improves hydrological response of stormwater peak flow by holding and releasing in a controlled manner
- Filters run off water by removing heavy metals such as zinc and copper through cationic exchange when using greywacke subbase drainage aggregates
This product is one of the solutions for storm water management in the Auckland unitary plan.

Other benefits:
“Our permeable paving solutions are being specified more and more as intensification of the city continues in the drive to build more housing for Auckland’s growing population,” says Steve Crossland, Technical Specification & Innovation Advisor (Masonry) for Firth. “In the various blocks of townhouses you see around the city Holland FlowPave is used to allow a greater site coverage, enabling more homes in less space.”
Client: MADE Ltd
Civil Engineer: McKenzie & Co
Paving Contractor: Dempsey Wood
Subcontractor: PaveCraft
Location: Drury, Auckland
Product: Firth Holland® FlowPave