HDC Streetscape

Flexibility and collaboration the key to success for HDC Streetscape upgrade

Since 2019 Hastings District Council (HDC) has been carrying out a series of upgrades to the streets, footpaths, public spaces and laneways of downtown Hastings – all designed to bring life, fun and vibrancy to the city centre of Hastings. 

HDC Streetscape

With inner-city property owners developing the 117 – 131 Heretaunga Street East with 12-14 new tenancies, HDC has been playing their part investing in making the heart of the city the go-to place for shopping, entertainment, the arts, hosting visitors, relaxing, eating and doing business. To improve the overall aesthetic, functionality, and safety of the area HDC has tasked AMC Concrete with constructing the various stages of H-Central using Firth’s Commercial Paving and Certified concrete. 

HDC footpath


“When looking at what products to specify for these areas we chose Firth’s Commercial Paving range because we can have 80mm thick pavers and there is a good range of colours available which can also be mixed and matched with various finishes - plane, bush hammered and honed - plus they are New Zealand made,” says Aaron Tissies, Special Projects Officer – Building and Public Spaces for Heretaunga Hastings / District Council. “We needed to choose paving that is durable as often wide footpaths are accessed by courier drivers as they stop to deliver or pick up in the CBD and maintenance vehicles will park on the footpath to be close to the work they need to do.”  

Aaron says another reason for selecting the thicker 80mm pavers is that it means access can be had to the various services that run to the complexes and buildings. “Using Firth Holland Set and Piazza pavers does mean if in the future access to services is needed the paving can be pulled up, the issue resolved and the paving re-laid without too much of an issue.” 

HDC Footpath 2

 Working with Firth 

“I have dealt mainly with Bernice Cumming, Architectural Consultant from Firth over the various paver options and finishes available and she has been great,” adds Aaron. “If there was the odd delay with a delivery etc she told me up front and together we were able to work on a solution that suited both parties. I do often speak to the local Firth branch and Stephen Martin in Dispatch who also works closely with AMC Concrete who are a good customer for them. It’s been a great working relationship which will continue as we move on to the HB Research and Architectural Museum Research area.”  

The design included a variety of finishes and colours of Firth’s Piazza paver in a honed and bush hammered finish. “AMC have done a great job of laying them. Having the different finishes and compatibility - ie we used the 200 x 100 Hollands Sett paver with the Piazza - has meant we have come up with some great patterns.”  

“From our perspective working with Aaron has been great,” says Bernice. “There was a short manufacture time and install window required.  Everyone at Firth pulled out all the stops to manufacture and deliver for our customer and Aaron was superb to work with.  At times our dispatch team at Hunua worked with Aaron to a changing delivery site schedule.”

“This was a great example of a job presenting challenges for both parties involved and those parties working together to overcome and find solutions to get to the final result.”  

“Communication and flexibility by Firth and ourselves has meant H-Central is mostly completed and looking really great,” adds Aaron. “I regularly get comments about how good it looks. We are very pleased.”  

Overall, the streetscape project when completed, will revitalise Hastings City Centre and promote economic growth, preserve cultural heritage and create a lively community hub.

Principal:                              Hastings District Council 

Paving Contractor:              AMC Concrete 

Location:                               Hastings CBD

Products:                              Firth’s Piazza paver: Volcanic Ash, Glacier in a bush hammered and honed finish

                                               Holland Set paver: Black Sands and Volcanic Ash in a honed and bush hammered finish 

                                               New Manhattan paver: Volcanic Ash in a bush hammered finish

Aim of the upgrade to:

  1. Enhance Public Spaces – The Council has aimed to create a more attractive and welcoming environment for residents, visitors, and businesses. A well-designed streetscape can encourage people to spend more time in the area which can boost the local economy.
  2. Improve Pedestrian Safety – Large areas of paving were chosen to prioritise pedestrian movement, reduce vehicle congestion, and create shared spaces that encourage walking and cycling. This aligns with modern urban design trends that focus on people-friendly spaces.
  3. Support Economic Growth – Upgraded streetscapes can attract more businesses and visitors, increasing retail activity and investment in the town centre. Well-paved, aesthetically pleasing areas make the shopping and dining experience more enjoyable.
  4. Address Infrastructure Needs – Over time, streets and footpaths experience wear and tear. The upgrade included replacing old infrastructure, improving drainage, and ensuring compliance with modern accessibility standards.
  5. Create Multi-Use Spaces – Large paved areas can be used for public events, markets, and community gatherings, making the town centre more versatile and vibrant.