Firth’s RibRaft CodeMark certification now includes HotEdge
CodeMark certification (CMNZ70056) for our popular Firth RibRaft foundation system was first granted in 2019 and now this has been broadened to include Firth’s HotEdge foundation insulation products. Having CodeMark certification offers significant benefits when specifying and building with RibRaft foundations and HotEdge as it ensures compliance with New Zealand’s Building Code and provides a robust quality assurance framework.

“As a manufacturer and supplier of building products we are constantly working behind the scenes trying to make things easier for designers and installers,” explains Wade Hargreaves, Snr Product Marketing Manager, Firth Industries. “Having an MBIE CodeMark means that, if the RibRaft Technical Manual is rigidly followed, the relevant Building Control Authority will automatically provide a building permit without the need for specific engineering design. This saves time and money by removing the need for specific engineered design and reduces site inspections.”
“Earlier this year we had BRANZ test a bottom plate anchor solution for HotEdge Extra, with 90mm timber framing on a 20MPa Firth RaftMix concrete slab. The BRANZ test report (ST18050) showed this achieved the 15kN required for common bracing systems giving architects, engineers and builders considerable confidence and peace-of-mind when specifying or installing this product.”
Why is Codemark compliance important?
- Regulatory Acceptance: CodeMark is a government-backed certification recognised across New Zealand and Australia. It guarantees when CodeMark is followed the product complies with the relevant building codes, simplifying the approval process for building consents and inspections.
- Proven Performance: For RibRaft HotEdge, CodeMark certification confirms that the system can perform as intended. Providing architects and builders additional peace-of-mind.
- Enhanced Market Confidence: Products with CodeMark certification are viewed as reliable and proven, increasing trust among builders, engineers and regulatory authorities.
- Ease of Specification: Certification means that RibRaft and HotEdge systems do not require SED when designed and installed, as per the RibRaft Technical Manual, giving confidence for architects and designers stipulate its use in their projects.
Need help or a have a query about Firth’s RibRaft HotEdge foundations? Email our specialists on: Firth.Hotedge@firth.co.nz or call 0800FIRTH1 and ask to speak to Greg Illing, our foundation specialist.