VM 30kg

Veneer Mortar

Dricon® Veneer Mortar is specially designed for brick veneer mortar jobs. It consists of a uniformly blended mixture of graded sands, Portland cement and specialised admixtures for a high level of workability and coverage. Endorsed by the Brick and Blocklayers Federation of New Zealand, Veneer Mortar works just like Dricon® Trade Mortar, but gives you the option for a lower MPa product to meet brick veneer installations.

AVAILABLE IN: 30kg bags

  • WORK TIME 30-35 MINS
  • YIELD 0.014M³ / 30kg bag
  • IN 28 DAYS 8 MPa


  • Lower strength option to meet brick veneer installation
  • Minimises waste
  • Has consistent material calculations from bag to bag
  • Contains a dry plasticiser accepted and endorsed by key trade users
  • 30kg bag size for ease of use
  • Refer to Coloured Mortar and Oxitone® for more information on coloured mortars
  • Refer to Architectural Mortar for water resistant formulations
50 years Dricon

Trade Trusted

While Dricon® has been in the market for 50 years, a passion for product innovation, collaborative customer input and a strong commitment to developing the range has seen a significant expansion to specialist Dricon® products available.

Contact us to find the right Dricon product for your project