A key driver in the development by Firth of its Dricon® Trade Mortar Extra (TX) - a new, extension to the long standing Dricon Trade Mortar - has been the repair of Christchurch’s heritage or character buildings and the many brick and stone homes damaged by thousands of earthquakes that have plagued the city over the last few years.

Standard mortars adhere to new bricks far better than used bricks due to old mortar which can fill the capillaries of old bricks making adhesion more difficult. Dricon®  Trade Mortar Extra (TX) contains a special additive that gives the product a much higher bond strength which assists when laying used bricks and stone. 

"A number of customers brought to our attention that under New Zealand Standard 4210:2001, Section, when bricks are reused to repair damaged buildings in Canterbury, recycled bricks must achieve - with the corresponding mortar - a seven day masonry-to-mortar bond strength, which is not less than 200kPa,” says Andrew Porter, National Sales Manager for Dricon® 

This bond strength can be ascertained through a testing programme which is time consuming and expensive, often costing more than the repair itself. In many instances the recycling of bricks is impractical with the full replacement of whole structures, using new materials, deemed to be the best solution. The full replacement scenario is not only more expensive but labour intensive in a time when the labour market in Christchurch is in high demand. Dricon®  Trade Mortar Extra (TX) is also suitable for use on new Schist walls that often require greater bond strengths than standard mortars. 

When TX is used the need for bond testing to confirm compliance with NZS4210 is considered unnecessary. The bricks must however be clean, free from dust, and manufactured after 1939. 

 “With test results to back it up, TX will give engineers the piece of mind required in order to allow its use for rebuild projects using recycled brick veneers,” adds Andrew. 

Look for a presentation of Dricon®  Trade Mortar Extra (TX) during the Brick and Block Layers Federation Road Show in February and March at 15 locations throughout New Zealand. 

For more information about Dricon®  Trade Mortar Extra (TX), including bond test results, go to www.dricon.co.nz or phone 0800 800 576.