Introducing RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini - a solution for liquefaction prone sites  

Twenty years ago Firth created RibRaft® - New Zealand’s first pod floor system - an innovation that has become one of NZ's most popular solutions for residential and light commercial flooring.  

Next came the game changing RibRaft® X-Pod® foundation system which is 100% recyclable and manufactured from recycled materials. Much like its forerunner, this system’s lightweight, stackable, easy-to-install pods have transformed building sites.    

Most recently, as part of the ongoing drive to develop foundation solutions that improve outcomes for all stakeholders in the building industry, Firth is launching the RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini (215/750)pods recommended for use in foundations on TC2 classified and liquefaction-prone sites, along with Class M or H expansive clays. 

A note from the designers guide regarding ribs at 750 centres on RibRaft® systems: 

Where it has been established that the expected settlement during a serviceability limit state (SLS) or ultimate limit state (ULS) event exceeds the settlement limits for TC1, but are less than those for TC2, design shall be in accordance with NZS3101. One advantage of using the 750mm grid is that the trigger for requiring shear reinforcement occurs when the design shear force exceeds øVc. as allowed by of NZS3101 (incl amendment).  

Note: In other flooring systems with rib spacings greater than 750mm, the trigger is 0.5øVc, which often necessitates the use of stirrups or steel fibres to provide the required shear reinforcement. 


The advancement of Firth RibRaft®   RibRaft®  X-Pod® Mini 

“Our solution to ensure the rib spacing is kept at 750 centres has been to create the RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini pod. Designers and installers will find it easy to keep ribs at 750 centres,” says Greg Illing, Construction Systems Specialist for Firth.  

  • RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini system requires no cutting of pods - making the best recycled plastic pod system even better and quicker to install. 
  • RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini pod and pod extender will replace the RibRaft® X-Pod® adjustable pods. 
  • RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini pod is connected to a full pod using the standard connection of the keystone clips which allows designers to ensure the ribs are kept at 750mm centres. 
  • Shear reinforcing is often required for ribs at greater than 750 centres. 
  • The RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini can fill a 400mm void. 
  • When combined with the RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini adjustable, voids of between 400 to 600mm can be filled. 

For more information on RibRaft® X-Pod® Mini click here or contact Firth at Ph:0800 FIRTH1 or Em: