Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Every year Firth produces more than one million cubic metres of concrete at 70 production plants nationwide for a wide range of residential and commercial purposes.

Firth has a stringent quality control testing programme to ensure customers receive high quality concrete products. Daily tests are conducted at each production plant and it is through this testing that Firth quickly discovered substandard concrete had been produced at one Auckland plant in late April.

Investigations indicate mechanical failure of measuring equipment at this Auckland production plant was the cause and as such the issue was isolated to that one site. The faulty equipment has been replaced and the plant has since reopened.

Firth’s local production and distribution network enabled it to respond rapidly and effectively on 28th April, ensuring affected customers were immediately informed when the problem was discovered.

As part of Firth’s focus on quality customer service, all 70 affected construction sites were visited by a Firth representative to test the concrete and discuss any remedial options required.

Affected customers ranged in size from individuals having a garden path installed to the Waterview project. Tests showed that in half of the affected sites no remedial action is required and the concrete can safely remain in place. Firth is continuing to work with customers on the remaining 35 construction sites to provide appropriate remedial action as quickly and effectively as possible.

Firth has provided New Zealanders with high quality concrete for 90 years and has more than 6,000 major customers.

Firth Concete Facts Image