Rotorua Lakes Council’s Boulevard Gardens project in Kuirau Park has received a further boost with the announcement of an substantial contribution from concrete products company Firth. Firth is partnering with the council to provide concrete products as sponsorship for the project.

The arrangement follows an earlier generous grant from the Francis Moss Boord Trust that kicked off construction of the boulevard last month. As well as supplying concrete, Firth is also providing paving products to form the new entranceway into Kuirau Park, adjacent to the intersection of Haupapa and Ranolf Streets. 

Firth spokesman Phil Hunt said the company was delighted to be partnering with Rotorua Lakes Council on such an important community project. “We were taken by the vision for the Boulevard Gardens project in Kuirau Park, and so we’re very pleased to be able to make a contribution that will help enhance such an iconic facility.   “We look forward to seeing the finished product soon and, more importantly, watching it being enjoyed by current and future generations of Rotorua locals and visitors.” 

Council Inner City Revitalisation Portfolio lead, Councillor Karen Hunt, said Firth’s sponsorship was a very generous contribution to an innovative local community project. “We’re very grateful to Firth for their support and foresight. The company’s generosity, and their commitment to the Rotorua community and our Rotorua 2030 goals, represents another significant public-private partnership helping inject new vitality into our city.” 

Meanwhile the second pour of concrete was completed last week, meaning two thirds of the boulevard’s length have now been completed. The new paving is integrated with the Green Corridor pathway through Kuirau Park. 

Boulevard surfacing is expected to be finished by the end of July, weather permitting, with themed gardens being implemented over the next 18 months. The Boulevard Gardens project is part of Rotorua Lakes Council’s wider strategy to redevelop and upgrade Kuirau Park over a number of years - improving connectivity with the inner city and encouraging more widespread use of the city park.

The concept is for a series of five specialty and feature gardens in Kuirau Park. They are to be connected by a combined public walkway and cycle path integrated with the new Green Corridor, and linking key attractions and activities within the unique geothermal reserve.

A new entranceway will lead people into Kuirau Park and to five new feature gardens, including a contemporary New Zealand garden featuring Rotorua-specific native vegetation, an interactive scent garden, a hosta garden for spring and summer months, and climbing gardens with vertical structures.

Stage One of the Boulevard Gardens project will run from near the Ranolf/Haupapa streets intersection side of Kuirau Park and meander through to the main kiosk and rest rooms. This will be implemented in steps over the next 18 months as weather and resources allow, with completion and an official opening expected in Spring or Summer of 2016.

Two further stages of Boulevard Gardens are planned for the future, eventually connecting through to the Aquatic Centre.